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I would like to thank all that work at Digital Extremes for making this incredible game a reality so that I could even make this concept for it. Your hard work and passion is so incredibly obvious in what you produce. You also care, you listen and you have ethics beyond that of most video game companies, and although it shouldn’t be that you are a rare, bright, shining star in a bleak horizon, you are. So thank you.

I’d also like to thank you, the reader, whoever you are for taking the time to read this silly concept that I have probably taken way too seriously. I love the game Warframe and I have rather fallen slightly for my own concept for a Warframe, so wanted to put it all together in a project that other’s could read if they were interested.

Lastly, I’d like to thank my partner for putting up with all my Warframe waffle despite it not being a game he connects with in the same way I do. Moreover, my one and only clan mate SlyBagel for consistently being my team mate in the game and being encouraging in whatever I create, including this concept, for this and other games.

Thank You: Image
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